For the 1st HOBO Kiosk (shop) we converetd an old school cupboard, a wardrobe door, several pallets and a lot of clever craftiness to make delia her 1st counter!
We started with just the husk of our old shop and built as we went along, stumbling one shaky step at a time, always asking what works what doesnt, making it a proper pub - for the users not the owners - but then we add a little HOBO weirdness to the mix too and voila!
We opened for a Positive Vibration weekend and bought Red Stripe for the lovely reggae fans. After that test we had a few more soft starters and then launched with wild abandon!
The KIOSK has always beena place for the HOBO brand of style and art. Its sort of a minimalist version of our HOBOhouse adn a repository of all the things weve made and collected over the years. Curious? Ask us why and we may well tell you....
Yerma is a popular scouse term of affection, humour and gentle teasing. Its also a badge of honour for proud scouse women. HOBO celebrates strong women and flexible men with plastic!
Liverpool Cycle Tours were almost our first customers - a group of 12 hungover dutchmen. The tours are wonderful and full of the cool and curious that Liverpool is famous for!
Liverpool Cycle Tours were almost our first customers - a group of 12 hungover dutchmen. The tours are wonderful and full of the cool and curious that Liverpool is famous for!
When we first opened the Kiosk (as a shop) 2 years ago the international streetartist Foundry painted this decoration on the outside wall for us. It is based on Victorian cloth patterns as the warehouse was variously a cotton warehouse, ships chandlers, carpet shop and now HOBO!
Austrian artist Chinagirl tile a member of streetart crew SSOSVA was invited by HEX Ceramic (another, local ceramic artist) and gave the kiosk this beauty on the corner.
HOBO loves music and vinyl is the best way to experience it. Help us choose the next tracks and learn how to treat that vinyl with respect. Our dansette record player is a little strange and creaky but plays the old stuff like it always did!
HOBOartist has made a limited amount of unique mugs for the kiosk. Take a Bad Meff for your lover or show them true romance with a blindfold heart, or take a reminder of HOBO Kiosk with you for the long winter nights at sea (or wherever you wander)